Wednesday, December 30, 2015



Since I write on a variety of subjects, I’ve decided to reapportion my blog into several sectors; REARM AMERICA — WRITING/PUBLISHING — OZONE THERAPY — INVENTIONS — and occasional a RAVE/RANT

WRITING/PUBLISHING — One day, a long time ago, I bought an old MACK dump truck at an auction. The truck was over thirty years old and had been used hard. It was still running and functioning. My task for the truck was simple yet it needed to work everyday for a couple of hours in the feedlot I’d purchased. I was impressed by its performance. That was the operative word. PERFORMANCE! Part of the manufacturers motto. Riveted on the inside of the driver-side door, it had the logo — the stylized bulldog, and just below was their promotional motto, PERFORMANCE COUNTS!

I adopted (lifted) that motto and applied it to every endeavor in my life. When I managed sales forces, it was our battle cry. When I owned factories, it was our daily theme.

While writing, PERFORMANCE COUNTS became my personal creed. I typed it on a sticker and placed it on the lid of my old typewriter. No one was going to create a news story, feature article or novel for me. I had to develop the discipline to write the words and string them together in sentences, then paragraphs, and eventually chapters. It must have worked. In addition to all the newspaper stories, magazine articles, and short stories I generated over my journalism career, I have published fourteen books and have authored six original screenplays.

Am I proud of my achievements? Not necessarily; um, ahhh, yeah, somewhat… Satisfied? Hardly. I have two other novels in the bowels of my laptop and one more sitting at my editor's desk.

Each unit began with an idea, converted to an outline, and then the first character was typed. The writing has to take on a life of it’s own, so one has to maintain a discipline to put down a few words each day. I usually have two or three novels at different stages of completion.

Every author is approached by someone who had a life changing event or an idea. They all want to TELL you the idea - co-author the outline, and then have you, the author, write the story or novel. It’s misguided from the start. Any professional will turn them down in a heartbeat. It’s like ghostwriting only worse. It usually hurts their feeling but that can’t be helped. I try to encourage them to write the story themselves. Hmmmmm, I wonder why it never happened?  PERFORMANCE COUNTS!

OZONE THERAPY — The various business models I’ve employed to get ozone therapy to the masses have failed. Perhaps it’s the selection of my operators. Perhaps the overall plan. Whatever --it has to change. I have several hundred thousand dollars tied up in the engineering and inventory. If I don’t see some advancement soon, I will sell out. At my age, that seems the most prudent option. However, my dream of getting ozone therapy to the masses will have failed; only the middle class and rich will have access to this revolutionary healing process. The Germans and Chinese have made overtures. Perhaps I need to see if they are willing to put out the cash. Vamos a ver — PERFORMANCE COUNTS!

INVENTIONS — Most of my friends and fans know about the two inventions in the Ozone industry. I’ll not bore you with repetition. However, I have modified my ozone breathing apparatus so it replaces the direct injections in most cases.

My air extractor is still at an engineering facility in Cebu City. I expect the prototype drawings to reach the machine shop in early February.

My latest project is very self serving… not an invention — just a contraption to acquire better Internet signal. It’s more of a ‘McGiver’ fix to a nagging condition.

REARM AMERICA — Pack the heat but use your vote.


The Philippines represents a country of craftsmen. Everything that is natural to the islands gets recycled into something. The old fashioned methods of palm leaf weaving, bamboo structures, native wood/bamboo furniture, and clay pottery, just to name a few crafts located close to where I live. For this I’m thankful.


Crap on a crowbar! My passport says I’m 74 years old today.

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Courage and Second amendment to the US constitution.

Courage and Second amendment to the US constitution.

I learned early in life that is dumber than dumb to take a knife to a gunfight. Well, the world has been unarmed so knives are now becoming the weapons of choice for would-be terrorists. Box cutters brought down three jets. The guy in London and those folks in Jerusalem are raising hell with knives.

If one of those fools with the knives ever attack me or many of my friends, it would be their last act in this world. Most of us carry. Not all of us are legal but our attitude is: let’s live through the ordeal and sort out the legal BS later.

We are not radicals, except for the second amendment — the right to bear arms. This is the charter for a citizen militia. At no time in our recent history has the ‘citizen militia’ more required than now. The travesty of the times, is the way our western populations have been stripped of our rights by the power of the governments.

Each incident — the mass murders — appear to be a battle cry for the gun control proponents. Even the lame duck president — is calling for stricter weapons control. (a powerful voice to this idiocy)

THINK THAT POSITION THROUGH. How does a strict gun control law eliminate putting guns in the hands of our enemies; the terrorists? How would a LAW stop a radical muslim from wanting to destroy our citizens? These warped individuals will find a way to kill us. It’s their mission. We’re at war with these radicals! Do you think he/she will obey the law? Of course not! They will find a way to bring weapons or bombs into the country… they will steal from other citizens, law enforcement or the military or buy weapons from the underworld. They will find a way to kill innocent citizens -- UNLESS THEY ARE MET WITH FORCE!  Equal force!
 Look at France. A citizen cannot purchase a weapon in France — very strict gun control. They have no second amendment. Those people were slaughtered by ISIS. The radicals with the guns and bombs. Do you suppose one or two armed citizens at that rock concert or the San Bernardino slaughter could have diminished the carnage? I believe they would have made a difference — IF they were trained in the use of their weapon of choice, AND had the courage to shoot back.

Courage is another ingredient that seems to be in short supply. To me it seems it has been bred out of our citizenry. Except for those individuals in the armed forces and some of the contact sports, courage appears to all but disappeared except in the world of the radical extremists. Hemingway defined courage as “Grace under pressure.” It was presumed back in his day that everyone had courage — some just more than others. Not true today. Courage has been replaced by politically correct cowardice. 

It's not right -- politically... but Merry Christmas!
Rob Hatting

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

This and that!!

It appears my new home in the Dumaguete area has very poor internet reception.  It's unlikely it will improve in the near future.  So, most of my postings will be intermittent and unorganized; Ozone business, writing subjects, and Rearm America.  Plus my travel experiences. 

REARM AMERICA.  Yahoo news posted this map last week.  It basically shows that most every state in the union has laws pertaining to carrying weapons.  Some are easy -- others are harsh.    If you meet the requirements, a law abiding citizen can carry in every state.  Take the time and deal with the hassle.  It may save your life.
Writing and promotion:
Almost every day I write a few hundred to several thousand words.  I do not do any promotion for a variety of reasons.  Subsequently, my sales are deep into the growler.  Xmas will be lean.
Old Tree Ozone:
Inventory reduction sale
Every year, most businesses reduce their inventory in order to eliminate inventory taxes and bolster their working capital. When I was in the ranching business, we did something similar — we sorted the cattle and sold those cows or bulls that did not produce along with the calves.
I find myself in the same predicament with ozone generators. Many were placed into Ozone Centers — to be rented by the minute so more people could have the therapy without a large capital investment. Unfortunately, the initial enthusiasm of some of my operators has worn off and there has been negligible activity.   
My first choice is to have ozone centers. Unfortunately, not everyone in Central America shares my passion for ozone therapy. I need to gate some units so I can concentrate my focus in Asia where enthusiasm is high.
The following inventory is for sale at discounted prices. 
    • Model 06 medical grade unit — new style $2700.00 FOB Dumaguete, Philippines. (I can ship a breathing apparatus with this unit for an additional $1200.)
    • (Two units) Model 06 medical grade unit (Alum. Case — hour meter) — Plus Breathing Apparatus. $3900.00 each. FOB David, Panama.
These prices are only available during the remainder of 2015. Please contact me with any questions.


Rob Hatting,

Thursday, December 3, 2015


Rearm America.
A two shot derringer carried by one of the people in the recent San Bernardino massacre could have saved a lot of lives. This is senseless… allowing these slaughters. It’s not complicated. Set your watch back sixty years and then prepare to witness a rebirth of law and order. Only a well armed citizenry will put an end to these atrocities. Law abiding citizens are the only hope to quell this heinous attack on humanity by radical muslims. WAKE UP AMERICA and the western world! Gun control has created this soft underbelly. The enemies of civilization are hitting where they know we can’t hit back. The old bumper sticker from times past is certainly true now. WHEN YOU OUTLAW GUNS — ONLY OUTLAWS WILL HAVE GUNS.
How many more people being mass murdered will it take for you to arm yourself and perhaps stop the next attempted slaughter.
The derringer shown above is small. It will fit in a purse or fanny pack. One can place it in a pocket. It fires two rounds of .38 special. It can be purchased new for less than $125.
Think about the results if a terrorist was killed after the first few rounds were fired. An itty bitty weapon and a few moments of courage could have stopped this bloodbath.

Saturday, November 28, 2015



As North America morphs from a relatively safe democratic and free society into a socialistic anarchy, one has to be realistic concerning the ever-present dangers lurking in every community. If this is where you reside, you should look closely at your personal safety and protection. Now is not the time to rely on government agencies to protect personal property and/or your life.

Take a close and detailed look around you and then answer these two questions:

#1.) What keeps an armed intruder out of your life?

#2.) Who will protect you from an armed intruder bent on robbing and killing you?
 Nine out of ten will not have a clue — other than calling the police. (Here’s a test — call 911 check their response time)

In today’s world, it is prudent to be armed. YES! Armed. Plus your residence needs to be alarmed or booby trapped in some way to protect you and your belongings while you sleep or are away.

Understand the PRE — POST time indicators. If you are prepared, you usually prevent the murder detectives from coming to your domicile. Post is part of the word postmortem. A forensic medical term they will use during your autopsy if you don’t take heed.

Owning a weapon and knowing how to use it is not the total answer. It’s a beginning but does not assure your safety until you take it with you — everywhere! That’s not legal in most states because of the current laws on the books were crafted by governments to disarm their citizens. The police powers will not allow this to happen — legally.   One has to take a chance on becoming a slight criminal in order to prevent the POST from happening.

Most of the characters in my action-adventure novels; Jimmy Hart, Curtis Dawson, Hardy Kitchen, and RC Bellars, all carry unregistered and unlicensed weapons. They don’t worry about the consequences of carrying an unregistered weapon. Neither does their creator. Jimmy Hart is famous for his ‘mad scientist’ booby traps. (I believe he learned all that stuff from me.) Those close to the characters know and understand the protective modes but not the authorities or the bad guys. They are clueless until there is an ‘incident’. Since I write fiction under the label ‘grounded in reality’, one would assume that many of my personal experiences created the scenes rather than my imagination. Maybe — maybe not!

In reality if one possesses an unregistered weapon in a foreign country, after an ‘incident’, one may be fined, jailed, or more likely deported. One has to standing and breathing to receive any form of castigation — much better than residing on the autopsy slab.

I just recently moved from Panama where I lived and survived for a decade. Panama is known to be a dangerous place. I had several ‘incidents’ and was able to avoid jail or deportation. Over time, the bad guys -- the malientes and ladrones, learned that the ‘crazy gringo’ was to be reckoned with — he fought back, set booby traps and at times hired muscle to punish and destroy his enemies.

Recently I  moved to the Philippines. Any foreigner in the Philippines is a target for the muslin extremists. In fact, several hostages are being held in the southern section of Mindanao province and their ransom is about a half-a million USD, each. Last week, a Malaysian man was beheaded by this same radical group. His wife was released after her ransom was paid. Evidently he was ‘out-of-favor’ with the in-laws. They didn’t pay and he was executed as an example. The southern section of Mindanao province has become a restricted area for foreigners. But, there are factions of these bad guys scattered all over this country. I would be a fool to believe they are contained.

Where I live is populated by a lot of foreigners — a target rich environment for these wretched muslim factions. The fact that these people are still ‘at large’ proves the military and the police cannot seem to control these radicals, so I’ve elected to protect myself. Many of the foreigners feel the same way. (perhaps it is time a bounty is placed on these horrible people)

We, ex-pats, chose our dangerous lifestyle. However, those of you in North America and Europe need to take notice of this warning.

If the citizens of the United States want their freedom back, they have to arm themselves and be prepared to defend themselves and their family at all times. Show me another choice. (I seriously doubt if you can.)

Sunday, November 22, 2015



In a rapid transition, some details seem to go unnoticed until the process is almost complete. Moving my businesses from Panama to the Philippines over the past three months created several of these ‘detail glitches’. The most glaring to me was my avoidance of my publishing business. I didn’t promote…didn’t even think about expanding my readership. Summer is historically bad for book sales. Mine was a disaster because I was focused on my Ozone business, my inventions, and my personal life. Add to that the liquidation of all my assets and my move from Panama to the Philippines, and it is a wonder I have even thought about this ‘other business’ this early in the transition.

Writing is still an everyday process. I still produce the stories but the publishing side of the equation has suffered. Am I anxious to remedy this condition? The answer is: I’m not sure.

Melissa Gray, my editor, has one of my manuscripts in her WIP Que. It’s the third novel featuring Curtis and RC; UNTAMED being the first, PARTNERS, the second, and TRUST ME, finally to be published sometime during the first quarter of 2016. Lodged in my SCRIVENER files are two more full length novels; COIN OF THE REALM, and UNBROKEN. Both should be in the editor’s hands by the end of 2016.

Also in the bowels of my computer are two short stories, an autobiography, and the expanded version of my OZONE THERAPY booklet.

As we move toward the first of the year, my resolve to post in my blog on a weekly basis is becoming stronger, so many of my writing hours will be dedicated to the blog. Also, my blog will move to another host site and be more interactive.

Many events will transpire during his next month. My fiance’ and I are moving closer to the capitol of Negros Oriental, we’re training the staff of two ozone centers we’ve established locally, and then there is Xmas and a couple of birthdays. In between I will attempt to write a few words each day and manage my ozone business. Most of my inventions have taken a back seat for the remainder of 2015. Hopefully I will have my new shop up and running by the new year and some of Santa’s new tools with which to play.


Tuesday, November 17, 2015



Immediately after September 11, 2001, I formed a non-profit corporation and a foundation to fund a substantial media blitz calling for America to rearm themselves.

In the 1960’s when I was flying a million miles a year, none of those guys like DB Cooper or the animals that used box-cutters to hijack the planes would have been shot dead… really dead by several of us who carried pistols in our briefcases. It was very common for passengers to carry weapons on planes. Often we even compared them…

Shortly after I established the foundation, I was visited by not one but three ‘suits’ from three different agencies. Each had the same message; close down — cease and desist or suffer the consequences. Their threats were not veiled. As a spanking, I was audited by the IRS for three years in a row following the warning. The Oregon Sate Police, representing the governor’s office were even more direct. ‘Shut-up, leave, and don’t come back!’

I shut down the foundation but I began looking into the 9/11 terrorist attack and came away with the feeling that it was — by design, either orchestrated or allowed -- to control the population of the USA. It was another way for the government to gain power. Rearming America was certainly contra to their goal.

So, I sold my business, sold my house, divorced my wife and began to process to become an expatriate.

Over the years I’ve seen all the bad guys with weapons and no one to stand up to them. By the time the cops or the military get involved, the damage is done. The criminals and terrorists have free license to commit their atrocities and most escape punishment. Look at the recent terror attacks — no one could shoot back, they had been disarmed by their government.

This terrorist attack in Paris is a very good example of the sheep we have become to our ‘world order’ government. Not one person fired back at the terrorists. It was a slaughter of the highest order.

Since that gruesome event, many of my FaceBook friends have taken the time to overlay a French flag over their profile photo; honoring those slain by the terrorists. That’s all well and good but the next thing the over-layers need to do is to write a letter to their representative in government and push the politician to vote to keep the 2nd amendment — to allow honest citizens to carry weapons. Then you over-layers need to go purchase a weapon and learn how to use it.

Here’s a concept to consider — perhaps it has some merit. THESE SICK AND VILE PEOPLE who kill innocent people are basically cowards. Perhaps faced with a citizenry that returned their fire — round by round, the outcome would be much— much different and there wouldn’t be so many wholesale slaughters.


Blog posting — 11-15-15.

My blog has been dormant for quite awhile. Since I have been hacked so many times on Face-book I’ve elected to revisit the blog and the security it provides from hackers and uninformed idiots. I get to monitor comments and elect who gets to join. Perhaps it’s not the best platform for promoting my novels or my ozone business, but I need to try once again. Be patient while I relearn the system… I can’t seem to upload photos… maybe in time I will be back in sync with the new features of blogspot.

Chikungunya — (CHI-kən-GUUN-yə;)a mosquito borne virus that affects the joints, offers a low grade fever and a rash or itchiness.

“…The virus is passed to humans by two species of mosquito of the genus Aedes: A. albopictus and A. aegypti.[6][7] Animal reservoirs of the virus include monkeys, birds, cattle, and rodents.”

SWELL… Just what I need! An itsy bitsy mosquito stung me and gave me the above mentioned virus. According to Wikipedia and web MD, there is no cure but it’s not life threatening like its cousin, Dengue Fever.

That’s the good news. The bad news is the joint pain lasts for months and sometimes years.

No cure? We’ll see!!

I began Ozone Therapy last week. Two - 100 cc injections a week. The fever went away… now I’m trying to eliminate the joint aches and the high BP that usually accompanies pain. My en vitro will be reported on periodically as I fashion and construct a screen door for our cabin.

Speaking of construction… I have a local craftsman working for me on a project by project basis. He is making furniture, kitchen appointments, room-dividers and of course he will build the screen door to our cabin.

Yesterday I picked up the prototype of a cutting board I asked him to make. It’s not an original design, I copied it from one I saw several years ago. My friend Rex and Connie had one in Puerto Armuelles, Panama. I borrowed it for several weeks and asked several wood workers in Panama to make me one. It never happened. Of the four wood workers I showed it to - one tried to steal it. Enough said? That’s the major difference between Panama and the Philippines. My worker is always eager to please. Consequently he is rewarded accordingly.

Change for the better.

The town in which I live has a population of around 35,000 folks. Now, most places in the world with that kind of population, have basic services and an abundance of competition that stimulates growth and opportunity. Not so with this berg. It’s like a deserted island in the sea of civilization. I like the town. I like the people, but I can’t step back in time and operate an international business here. The nearest FedEx office is in Dumaguete, a three hour bus ride. The only other facility is in Bacolod, a four to five hour bus ride in Negros Occidental. So, I have been looking around to see what’s available. I like this province and can see many opportunities for future business and growth. However, trading one remote town for another is foolish. Yesterday, I ventured into the capitol of Negros Oriental. It had just about everything I need, but I’m not especially fond of the city. It’s inhabited by foreigners. That’s not bad but they attract all the charlatans that prey on unsuspecting or ill informed gringos. Therefor all locals are held in mistrust.

12 to 15 km away, however, is a small bustling village that shows some promise. I going to revisit the town in several days and perhaps cement a long term rental that is close to the city but away from the hustle and bustle. Stand by for progress reports.


I made a commitment to move to this small village outside Dumaguete. It’s not on the beach but at an elevation of around 1200 feet. I hope to be moved by the end of this year.