Saturday, December 22, 2012


In today’s world, using the words character and intelligence in the same sentenced to describe someone is rare.  I’ve used those descriptions sparingly over the years.  My father was the incarnation of both descriptions. Twice he was invited to join MENSA and turned them down. He’d opted for a career in government service and suspected that his membership in that high IQ group might be detrimental to his position.  
My long time friends, Richard Rollins, Dobe Harding, Rick Dailey, and Ray Samek are also personifications. Dobe is no longer with us and the rest of us are getting up there in years.  However, I know my friends still maintain their intelligence and character.
I recently started a business here in Panama.  In order to launch the venture by the first part of January, 2013, I needed to recruit salespeople and instructors for my fluid memorization course.  I invited almost forty people to attend my recruiting meeting; six people showed up.  Three of them are interested in being instructors, three want the sales opportunity.  I’m pleased for their attendance but disappointed in the others that promised to attend.  That is a Central American cultural trait.  From the Mexican border to the Darien jungle of Panama, the same bad manners and vile character traits prevail.  Hardly anyone keeps an appointment. It’s always amazed me that anything gets done.  Then it dawned on me! Duhh!! In third world countries, ninety percent of accomplishments are performed by ten percent of the populations. If you look closely at this ten percent, they were usually educated or worked in North America or Europe; learning the traits of success from first world countries. The remaining 90% teeter on the cusp of poverty and blame the other 10%.
I’ve always had the attitude that if you miss an appointment with me without calling ahead of time to release yourself from the obligation, it’s akin to writing me a bad check. I hold no truck with those that steal my time; 1st, 2nd, 3rd, or 5th world.  It’s just f…king RUDE.  If my employees don’t have enough IQ to figure this out, they’re going to hear a single word from me – NEXT! (I’ll eventually find those in the 10% and they will be rewarded accordingly.) No one gets a second chance to stand me up!

Monday, December 10, 2012


Through life’s twist and turns, we seldom find friendship.  Once that phenomenon happens, however, we usually try to sustain the relationship as long as possible.  Those twists and turns usually negate close relationships.  I have a few friends that date back to High School.  A few made a bit later in life. Most of my friends are the result of a sustained acquaintance.
A few years ago, I met Miguel Delafeunte.  He had just arrived in Panama from Spain and was checking out the opportunities in Chiriquí. He finally settled in Panama City.  Miguel and I have maintained that sustained acquaintance status for all those years. Do I consider him a friend?  Of course!  He just spent three days and two nights with me.  We share the love of business, our adopted country, Panama, and brainstorming new opportunities and ideas.
Miguel is a product of Europe’s educational system and looks at the world much differently than my friends from North America. We agree on most everything except food.  He’s a vegetarian.  When I discovered this, I pointed to the back yard, handed him an orange and told him to “graze” if he got hungry. (he likes my homemade bread, tho.)
Miguel and I agree that the future for Panama is extremely bright. We’re attacking the opportunities from different angles and bases of operation but the results will turn out the same; prosperity and a good life for us and our associates.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012


Other than my time on the ranch last month, the only positive aspect of my trip to the US was the reuniting with a few photos from my younger years.
Left to right, Bob Hatting, Bob Jacobson, Brent Creason, Ted Creason, Ron Siler, Mert Hunking, Jack Hammack, Rich Rollins, Bill Erickson, Ed Bagley, Dick Allen, Jerry Koch

The photo in this posting was taken in the spring of 1973.  The location is an area of Central Oregon called Grandview. (Near Lake Billy Chinook). The photographer, Fred Farrien, captured a rare moment; the WILD BUNCH was all in one place.  Usually we were riding at full speed chasing a herd of horses owned by Sombrero Stock Contractors.  Over 100 horses were turned out in the fall (after rodeo season) and allowed to run free on a peninsula that encompassed around 80,000 acres.  Each spring several of us were invited to bring our personal horses and help gather the stock.  It usually took the better part of a week. 

Memories fade over time but photos help us recapture those special moments in our life.  This photo was blown up and framed.  I had it in my home and office for many years.  It currently resides in the back room of my friend’s ranch in Vail, AZ. 

Tuesday, November 20, 2012


The tone of the stories make it sound like there was a big upset when Brazil beat Panama in the final game of the World Baseball Classic.  To baseball fans all over the world it was considered an upset.  Our small country of Panama has fielded excellent teams in the past and has the reputation as a baseball powerhouse.  No one expected the upstart, Brazil, to bring their ‘A’ game.  Well, they did.  They beat Panama twice in the series qualifier and advanced into the 2013 classic.  Panama has nothing to be ashamed of.  They played well. Let’s put this in perspective. 
Brazil has a population of 198,000,000. (look at all those zeros, folks)
Panama has a population just a shade over 3,000,000. 
So, that’s 66 times more people to draw on for outstanding players.  SIXTY SIX TIMES MORE PEOPLE!!
Panama lost their last game 1 to 0. My hat is off to Manager Roberto Kelly and his entire team; all stars in my thinking.
Kinda makes you wonder.  What would happen if Panama diverted their sports resources to baseball instead of futbol?