Friday, August 19, 2011

Healing a Heart Attack is Hard Work!

It’s been four and a half months since I experienced a heart attack. It has been a lot of work to get to a point that I can honestly say “I’m 2/3 of my previous self – energy wise.” It has been a difficult challenge made easier by Ozone Therapy; currently I take two injections a week (Monday & Friday). These injections are made using a butterfly needle directly into a vein. I then inject on average, 50cc of Ozone gas. My blood absorbs this gas (which is concentrated molecules of oxygen) and I suffer no side effects. The results are self evident to anyone who knows me. (Then and now)

A salt and sodium free Diet is the challenge. Nothing canned, boxed, packaged or baked commercially is sodium free. Everything contains some form of preservative – mostly salt depicted as sodio down here in Panama. Even a lot of products depicting sodium free are counterfeit. One cannot trust the labeling on products.

I have been making everything from scratch; mayonnaise, mustard, syrup, tartar sauce, etc. Also bread, biscuits and muffins.

Lately, I started canning meats, chicken, hamburger, and a host of other items including the mayo and sauces; and vegetables. Glazed carrots, beets, and glazed plantain. I use a juicer to make fresh juice and can the extra so it won’t spoil. My larder is full and I’m able get out and about now and start living a fuller life.

Yesterday I received a bread machine. I had ordered it from and paid $85. Amazon charged me $17. to ship it to Miami and Airbox Express charged me $98. From Miami to David. So, for two hundred bucks I have a new tool to make my life easier. NO SALT BREAD…

Soooo, my life is complete except for the bestselling novel and the retired Playboy Bunny to push the start button on my bread maker.

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