Friday, September 7, 2018

One in a row? Not hardly!

 One in a row?  Not hardly!
That’s how I am treated by what used to be my exclusive retailer.  I have over 25 books listed on their site — all 4.5 stars or above.  I get absolutely no support from them.  None — zero — zip — Nada! In addition, they advertise other author’s books on my page.  How crappy is that?  To top it off, Amazon gives my work away for free.  Yep.  You read that correctly for free.  My effort — my expenses to create a product — and they give it away for free. 

Years ago I began converting my novels to e-books using Amazon.  I also used Barnes and Noble but back then one had to have a special device for each.  I owned a Kindle so I opted out of B&N.  I only had a half a dozen titles but I began making some money. I donated my royalties to an orphanage in David Panama.  The monthly contribution kept growing as I added more titles and soon I was able to maintain my donation by halving the royalty deposit and augmenting my retirement income. All was well and good until Amazon got greedy.  They forgot that it was their on-line book business that made them successful and decided to shaft the authors that were part of their foundation. Amazon implemented a program that benefited their company and the readership. If we authors would enroll our books in KDP select, we were entitled to huge promises of promotion — the only caveat was Amazon had to be the exclusive retailer. Most of us saw an opportunity and moved in that direction because we could use the extra sales.  The problem was — the back side of this formula was the fact that Amazon offered the readers free books. We as authors never got any sales because most of our readers opted for the $10 a month and have hundreds of thousand of titles to choose from at no additional cost. The result was disastrous for authors like myself. Amazon told us we were getting paid by the page read.  What a crock of BS that turned out to be.  My royalties went to almost zero.  The orphanage suffered, my income suffered and nothing was happening except Bozo the clown was getting filthy rich.
Here’s the latest from these clowns (thieves).
We will again award "KDP Select All-Stars" for July to the most-read authors and most-read titles in the U.S., U.K. and Germany. All bonuses will be awarded based on total Kindle Edition Normalized Pages read during the month. We will also award bonuses for illustrated kids’ books – the top 100 most read titles in the U.S. and top 25 in the U.K. will receive such bonuses. 
This method is like Socialist hand-outs.  Not like — exactly a socialist/communist formula.  They choose who gets paid out of this magical fund that no one gets to audit.  Typical promise and a prayer BS. Only those that advertise with Amazon get to be on the all-star list.  None other.
Now you understand the reasons why my lead-in is so strong. I will do everything in can to help other authors to avoid the traps set my Amazon and their socialistic ways.  AUTHORS NEED TO BE PAID or there will never be a balance in society.
It’s time for authors — even the one-in-a-row self publishers to avoid Amazon and look in other directions.  Authors, here is the connections to your alternative. Draft to Digital (D2D) is my new choice.  Their motto is AUTHOR’S FIRST.  Not only do they produce the book, they help distribute it to their retailing partners. 
I only have 2 books on their site at this writing but will be uploading my entire title inventory by the end of this year.
In the meantime, go to my new website and order whichever of the 25+ titles you find interesting.  You can always contact me directly via email. 

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