I hate to
be the bearer of bad tidings but I believe the wind has shifted in the book
business again. No longer is the e-book
market the rising star. Granted, it will
continue to grow in numbers but it won’t bode well for the bottom line.
Amazon, authors,
and indie publishers have spawned this shift by creating a generation of
freeloaders rather than readers. A CASE
acquaintance of mine back in the USA, sent me a note the other day. Here’s an excerpt. Hatting,
when are you going to offer EXPAT for free again? I missed it because you close off the free downloads
before we get ‘up and about’ here on the west coast. That’s not fair to us
Oregonians. If you offer for free – do
like all the others. Offer it for three
days, not limited to 50 units.
You fine
folks won’t see my reply to this arrogant freeloader. I know for a fact he drinks and smokes. He
probably spends more in a day on his bad habits
than if he would purchase my entire
So, when
you as an author, post your work for free, you are assisting in the creation
new age of freeloaders like the guy above. Also when you use one of these database blogs
to advertise your FREE or discounted offerings, you are enabling these
freeloaders to keep bolstering their reading material without spending a dime.
In addition your talent and time is being used by these parasite blogs to build
their businesses. Think about this from a different angle: These blogs like BookBub have created a
database of freeloaders they mail to everyday; they charge YOU the
author up to $300.00 for a one time inclusion (feature) to tell every bargain
hunter in their files that your book is free or discounted. Without your
participation, they have nothing. They
don’t create anything. They are leaches.
Now -- do
the math. Sure you may get more readers
but are they buyers or vultures? Will
they lay in wait until you publish your next work? Take look at your sales. More effort – more expenses- but no
appreciable net profit.
Yes, the
heyday is over. Two reasons; the freebie
and the diluting. Everyone with a word processor has a book published. Christ on a crutch! There’s some really horrible crud out there
and organizations like Amazon and Smashwords don’t care. Meet their format and
you become a published author. There is
no screening of any kind. The folks at
these quasi publishing sites wouldn’t know a plot point from a popsicle. It’s
diluted the market… just like adding too much ice to a drink dilutes the
cocktail. The flip side of this for those
of authors who have a moderate readership, is that the newbie’s with their poorly
crafted crud make our readers more loyal…eventually.
That’s the
mood in my camp. My big books are being
printed and I’m taking my show on the road.
With 13 novels published I want to spike the guns of these one-book
wonders. I cannot rely on the most of the retailers to do much more than
download for a fee. One retailer is an exception. Most of my novels will be
released from the Amazon KDP by the middle of November. The majority will not be renewed and become
available in ePrintedbooks.com and several other retail sites.
I’m always
writing but am now refocused on expanding my Memorization course; taking it
international. More on that later.
PS, EXPAT is free today.
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