Sunday, September 15, 2013


As I do the rewrites of my novel, SHOOTER, I often get so immersed into the story and the changes I’m rewriting that I don’t take the time to promote my current work.  I usually post a novel a day on Face Book, use Twitter for an hour or so, and make several postings on my blog each week. Plus, I’m still offering limited free novels on the weekend for those units still enrolled in amazon's KDP.

Normally I’m able to keep up and still be creative – advancing on other novels.  That process has been bogged down because of an adjustment on my overall strategy. 

THE LAST FRUIT STAND ON GUAM is being printed and will be available on Amazon and other retailers, soon.  I‘m paying attention to this proofing and designing process being handled by my good friend and associate, Steve Caresser, owner of  I’ve been through this process before when I was being published in the conventional manner – Agent, publisher, publicist…

The difference is: I’m now in control as an Indie publisher.  Steve is helping me as an outsource company; just as he does in formatting my e-books; the same with all the editing.  It’s outsourced to Melissa Gray and not part of a big publishing firm. I pay these people and the US government for recording my copyright.  I pay for the ISBN, and then I publish my novel through the various retailers; the most notable being Amazon. The difference is HUGE.  I retain all my rights and make decisions – right or wrong about who sells my books and for what price.  Since I retain all the rights, I’m also able to have more than one printer.  For instance, THE LAST FRUIT STAND ON GUAM will be printed not only for the USA audience, I am contracting with a firm in Manila, Philippines to print the same novel and several other titles that seem to sell well in that part of the world. There is no conflict with printers versus publisher because I decide. I’m the INDIE. 

Freight on books is outrageous. Shipping the proof to Panama for me to inspect cost $17.67.  I’m confident I can lower those costs by shipping by boat but I’m still going to look for a local book printer.  My plans are to tour Panama with personal appearances at locations frequented by North Americans and Europeans.  Once Xmas comes and goes, I may take my show on the road in the Philippines where six titles are being printed.  Plans after that trip?  Who knows?  I’ll decide when I decide.
Soon most of the retailers that sell my work will also be able to sell an unusual package.  A novel plus the adapted screenplay included at the back of the book. (a full two hour movie script)  Currently I have five novels that that will be packaged in this manner.  Currently I’m writing another novel that is only a screenplay but will round out the Curtis and RC series.  Announcements will be made this later month.

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