lessons have taught me to schedule the editing prior to the completion of the
novel that is WIP. There are several
factors to consider – the most important being -- not releasing the novel for
publication without Melissa Gray’s final edit and Steve Caresser’s final
formatting. (Melissa is booked solid 6-7 months in advanced)
So, now
being cognizant of my timeline, I will minimize the amount of blog postings and
the time spent on special promotions.
currently at 25,000 words – sixteen chapters; slightly past the halfway mark for
the first draft. (Mid-way plot point)
Normally, I would be able to crank out the balance of the book by
writing two thousand words a day and then go back and add all the senses
(sight, smell, touch, taste, & sounds) in the next couple of rewrites. That
could happen easily in thirty days.
However, this novel deals with a number of assassinations of public
figures (including President Kennedy) so my research is voluminous and time
consuming. I’ll see how my next week
Sometimes a novel such as
this will take on a life of its own and grow to dictionary size – ALASKA BE
DAMNED, 140,000 words. The outline for
my best seller estimated the final product at around 80,000 words. Then the ‘word gods’
took over and it reached 260k. I peeled it back to 140k on the final rewrite. The same phenomenon occurred to THE LAST FRUIT
STAND ON GUAM. That began as a novella
with an outline that estimated a dozen chapters averaging 2500 words. LFS is
around 120k.

I’m rather
old fashioned. I still write by the
pound. If my outline for a novel (like
SHOOTER) doesn’t suggest a novel of 60k or more, I set it aside and move to the
next idea. An exception to that rule was
TRES PIEDRAS. My outline was really a general idea with a burning desire to get
it written. It was 42k and I wrote in
six weeks. It was not scheduled for the
editor so it sat on the shelf for almost five months.
I’m not
sure SHOOTER will make my deadline. I may not
want to if this ‘hickie grows legs’.
I can assure you of one thing; blog postings
will be light unless they are supporting one of my novels being promoted. Also
my FB and Twitter accounts won’t be used very often. Chat and e-mail time will take place during
scheduled hours as I will no longer have the internet active while I’m creating
and immersed in my story.
Once my
first draft is finished, I’ll go back to my normal routine.
BTW -- I’m
setting aside one of my current projects; trying to determine the price I need
to charge these blog parasites for using my Amazon freebies to build their
businesses. Think about
that concept, fellow authors!
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