Saturday, June 29, 2013



The term expatriate or Expat has changed in perception over the years.  It used to be defined as mostly a malcontent; one was not happy with their birth country.  Over the years that has evolved to just someone living abroad – outside their home country.

When I first arrived in Panama, Ten years ago, the expats that lived in the Chiriqui were focused on the cheap cigarettes, cheap booze, and chasing young Panamanian women (men). These people remain; older and sicker, but they are not the majority they once were.  Prices and Panama’s sin taxes have curtailed that category of expats.  Now we have a broad spectrum of North Americans and Europeans living here.  Some come to build their dream homes and live in the gated communities, while others get immersed into the Panamanian society and customs. There’s a third category I’d like to highlight once in a while in this blog; THE GIVERS. There are a handful of these individuals I'll be showcasing over the coming months.  They make me proud to be an EXPAT.

Expatriates can and do make a difference in our province of Chiriqui.  I’d like to showcase some of the people I’ve been involved with over the years.  I’m going to start with my good friend and neighbor, Christopher Smoot.

Chris came to Panama four years ago.  He’d lost his wife to cancer five years prior and found a new love and a home here in Chiriquí.  His Spanish skills are excellent and he was able to easily assimilate into the Panamanian culture.  He’s known affectionately as ‘el paparazzi’ because of his hobby of photography. If you live near David, you’ve probably seen him capturing the action at all the public events and many weddings and parties.  Chris doesn’t charge for his services and spends hours each week downloading the photos he took and delivering them to the parties represented. I’ve known him to drive to Tole’ and Las Lajas to deliver a USB flash drive to a school so the kids could have a copy of their event that took place in David the week prior.

Chris also donates his time, talent, and food products with Nutri Hogar.  Helping those malnourished tykes has been one of our common causes. In addition he teaches an illiterate youth with learning problems the basics of math.  He also volunteers at one of the private English Schools to converse with the students in the language they are studying.  Al in all a good guy with a big heart that is here in Panama to make a difference.

Check some of his photos on the sites below.


 While we’re on the subject of Panama and the tropics, check out the 3 five star reviews TRES PIEDRAS received in the first week of publication.

5.0 out of 5 stars Another Panama Portrait, June 24, 2013


This review is from: TRES PIEDRAS (Kindle Edition)

Tres Piedras is the latest book I have read and I just completed it today.

I know the author, Robert Hatting. He has helped me on multiple occasions with cases I have had volunteering as Warden for the US Embassy in Panama.

One case was a young man whose father (a treasure salvager) was murdered off the coast of one of the locations mentioned in Tres Piedras. Bob's knowledge of ships provided excellent consulting for the young man who needed to sell his father's boat. Bob appraised it and his estimate was on target.

Bob's ship experience winds up being a large part of Tres Piedras.

On another case, Bob volunteered to be the auctioneer to help me sell off the belongings of a US Citizen that was murdered in Panama and whose kids could not afford to come to Panama to settle their dad's affairs. I imagine auctioneering is something he picked up during the cowboy phase of his life. The country in Bob shows up in this book.

I have read and enjoyed another of Bob's books, which was The Last Fruit Stand on Guam. Yes, Bob spent time in Guam and added that experience to his book inventory.

Bob has lived an interesting life and his life's experiences seem to find their way into his books. Tres Piedras is his latest and he calls it a novella, because it is shorter than most of his other books. The majority of this book takes place around Panama.

In an opening note in his book he wrote the following.

"TRES PIEDRAS was inspired, and certainly influenced, by my recent exposure to the woman I've dreamed and written about my entire adult life. She was always a fictional character; the loyal life partner that made life worth living. Now, this heroine is part of my real life and inspires not only my imagination but my way of living."

I am happy that Bob has a lady in his life. I am happy she is making writing as well as living fun for him again.

I will tell you this. This book is written in ADULT language, and the scenes contain plenty of sexual narrative. If you are prudish in what you like to read or if you have a weak heart, I would pass on this book.

However, if you want to put a little salsa in a dreary afternoon, it will spice things up for you.

I liked it!

5.0 out of 5 stars Romance, action, exotic setting - it's all there!, June 16, 2013


This review is from: TRES PIEDRAS (Kindle Edition)

I read this story in just a few sittings, enjoying myself very much. A delightful romance between two out of the ordinary people kept me glued to the pages as their story unfolded, from a chance encounter to the full time romance with action and adventure on every turn.
These well developed characters had my heart from the very beginning, especially slightly mysterious Cecilia, so different from the usual heroines we are offered in movies and books. Willis had my full sympathy too, his calm, slightly amused confidence and his approach to life winning me in just a few pages. Their journey from Oregon to Panama provided a delightfully new, unfamiliar setting, to ignite my enjoyment of the story even further.

A great read I recommend highly to anyone who enjoys a good book.


5.0 out of 5 stars Electrically Charged Adventure, June 19, 2013


Lee (London UK) - See all my reviews

This review is from: TRES PIEDRAS (Kindle Edition)

On this is my second dip into the Hatting oeuvre, I was both surprised and suddenly pleased that with his gift for keeping readers on the edge of their seat with lashings of adrenaline-filled adventure, he weaves into "Tres Piedras" an electric coil of love that is both emotionally-charged and very real.

John Willis thrives on danger and meets the yin to his yang in the sparkling femme fatale Cecilia, who rides the big waves with him on a fishing boat out of Oregon heading south to the narcotic-trafficking, trigger-happy cop infested waters of Panama. They get into scrapes as fast as they get out of them, but that just fuels the bed action, deliciously described and with the same sense of danger running through the journey.

With his eye for eccentric characters and neat plot twists, you get a feeling as you turn the pages that execs in their Hollywood glass offices will be making a phone call when the book crosses their desk. With news in the air that a new canal may be built in Panama, and a rival waterway through the pristine jungles of Nicaragua, this is an opportune time to take readers on a journey into the Caribbean.


Tuesday, June 25, 2013



Yesterday I had an outing with a friend of mine.  He owns a small farm not far from the Costa Rica border.  The property isn’t that large and it’s not that far away from the inter-American highway (1.3 Km).  However, it is a couple of centuries away from our year 2013.  It’s just far away from the main infrastructure of Panama that several farms with multiple families exist without electricity, community water, cable, or Internet. The neighbors to my friend, keep an eye on his property, and the dozen head of cattle he runs.  In return my friend supplies potable water to their farm through a gas powered pump he uses to fill his own reservoir to his small cabin.

My friend had a chore to perform; replace a leaking pipe in the wall of his cabin.  I’ve attached a couple of photos of what he found.  Keep in mind this connection was buried inside a block wall and plastered over.  The was no evidence of glue.  The pvc pipe was heated in a fire, probably hammered to shape and jammed into the smaller connector.  Then the builder plastered over the fitting. 

It’s sloppy and stupid practices like this that keeps Panama locked into the third world category. In several instances I have seen pvc pipes just stuck together without glue. One cannot find a pvc primer anywhere in the province of Chiriqui. It’s sad that sub-standard workmanship prevails in out slice of paradise.



Curtis Dawson and RC Bellars were created in my novel, PARTNERS back in 1981.  They remained true-to-form in the second writing of PARTNERS (partners 2.0) and also into the screenplay, PARTNERS.   The script was optioned but the movie was never made so the script rights were returned.  Several years later a producer of some merit wanted me to write five (5) screenplays for a mini-series on HBO; all on Spec, of course… Negotiations lasted almost a year.  In that time frame I began sketching shorts of some of the experiences, Rick and I had either been directly involved in or had witnessed firsthand.  The stories seemed to grow in my mind and I was almost finished with the first screenplay before the negotiations were complete.

I finally condescended when the producer sent me a check for ten grand; once he approved one, he would send me ten thousand for each following script; for a total of $50,000. 

I wrote two prequels to the Partners screenplay.  NO WAY & UP NORTH.  I then spent some time rewriting PARTNERS so the three scripts would fit together smoothly.  Then I wrote TRUST ME.  All of these screenplays were stand-alone movies; two hours in length.  I sent this guy the two prequels and he was supposed to send me another ten grand.  That didn’t happen but I kept writing anyway. 

At no time in all of this non-communication had I signed over any rights. The end of the story?  NOTHING!  Never a peep or a centavo mas. So, I had four screenplays with no buyer.  I turned the internet and the mail service black with submissions to producers and directors.  After a couple of years of this lame nonsense, I discovered e-books. I posted the screenplays on line and sold a few…the format is entirely wrong for the Kindle and Nook.   I decided to write the screenplays into novels.  That was the case with NO WAY and UP NORTH.  Combined they became the outline for UNTAMED. All the incidents in the screenplays were based on experiences my riding partner, Rick, and I had back in our earlier years.  The 1970’s and early 1980’s seem a long way back in history for some of the younger generation. For Rick and me this was the last of the truly ‘OLD WEST’ experiences.  The RIDE, ROPE & SHOOT, was leaving the west; we were the ones waving goodbye. That mentality and value set may be depicted in novels or movies but in real life; it’s gone.  It was a fun time in our lives and I really enjoyed writing the scripts and later the novel.  I’ve yet to turn TRUST ME into a novel. Perhaps I’ll start that conversion soon. 

UNTAMED has received 5 star reviews from those who have discovered the novel. 

Sunday, June 23, 2013


Today marks a milestone for my author’s blog.  The following is an interview with INDIE author, ZOE SAADIA. 

I’m scheduling interviews with several people who ‘make a difference’ in my life and the lives of others.
Zoe is my first author because she had become my mentor.  Her ‘grounded in reality’ approach and contemporary prose brings history into focus.  It’s no longer the fuzzy edged stepchild of the literary world.

Zoe and her husband, Yuvall live in Tel Aviv, Israel. She has 10 novels published and another trilogy in the WIP phase. Please take a moment and check out her work at AMAZON.

WELCOME, Mrs. Saadia. 
Thank you so much for your interest in my work, Robert. It’s been a pleasure to answer your fascinating questions.      

1. Q..I’ve read all of your published work.  You classify it as Historic Fiction.  I see more Action – Adventure. Is my perception incorrect?

A..Oh no Robert, I agree that the element of action-adventure is strong in my stories. Dry history is boring. It’s for a few scholars to enjoy. But the majority of us, regular people, do not seek to memorize a date/name or two. And I think we are right, for what is history if not an account of notable people’s lives? And usually those lives would be full of action and adventure, otherwise they would not have been recorded.

Having said that, I would like to state that all my stories are grounded in solid, thoroughly researched history. 

2. Q.. Your work seems grounded in reality and includes believable romance.  Where does your inspiration come from?

A.. My inspiration comes from all over, starting from these same historical events all the way to the incidents stolen from our daily lives. Different continents or times aside, people were always people, with their basic needs, urges and desires, whether in ancient Rome, Aztec Tenochtitlan or modern-day Ney York.


3. Q.. I noticed you last book, FALL OF THE EMPIRE, is not part of a series.  Can you explain why?

A.. Well, in this case I have to admit to being commercial as much as trying to reach more readers. Each book in my series is a story in itself, with many that could be read independently from the previous books. Still series is a series, and would better be read in a proper order. But when I wrote my 4th book in the Rise of the Aztecs, I felt that it’s just not fair that such a good story have to wait for the people to read all the rest that came before. This is how the idea of writing an independent book that would conclude my “Mesoamerican Saga” came to life. I wanted to be able to push this book all by itself, so people could enjoy this read, then come back to the some mentioned characters and learn their earlier history if they felt curious about them.

4. Q.. tell our audience about this MUSE?

A.. Oh the Muse! She is an elusive creature that should be treated with care. You lure her very carefully, and you have to be patient about that, because even when she appears, you can’t just grab her and make her work. You have to tempt her to come to you willingly, to perch beside and share some of her magic. This is the only way J

5. Q.. You write in a specific genre – pre-contact as you call it.  Any plans to broaden your spectrum?

A.. Well, no, not for the nearest future. Both Americas have such a rich, diverse pre-contact history – empires, confederacies, large cities, small towns, wars and politics, ancient Americas had it all, such a rich field to pick from. I covered some of the Mexico, so far, and now I’m working on my Iroquois trilogy. I think from Canada all the way to Peru, this history will keep me busy for a few years to come J  

6. Q.. Please explain the reasons you do not write ‘post contact’ historical fiction.

A.. Post-contact history doesn’t need me. Plenty has been written on Americas of post-contact times, from textbooks to fiction.  

7. Q.. English is not your birth language and yet you have 10 published novels in English.  Do you have any work published in any other language?

A.. No. All my works are in exist in English only, and I plan to keep it this way (unless those books get translated). I love this language, it has a magic. Both of my native languages (curiously, I have two) are heavier, not as delightfully light and fresh and flexible as English. Also to write about American continent seems more sensible in English and for the English-speaking world.

8. Q.. Your treatment of the historical happenings in an in-vogue writing style is refreshing. Was this a natural occurrence or is it a technique ‘learned or borrowed’ from another?

A.. I think it happened naturally. I started to write in ‘classical’ historical-fiction heavy style, and then from book to book it got gradually lighter.

Dealing with a relatively unknown history, I’m trying to reach much wider audience than just the lovers of historical fiction. I think it’s important that many people would learn about pre-contact Americas and how human and ‘normal’ these people were. Writing in light, daily-life style helps, I think J 

9. Q..I understand your husband is very involved with your work.  Does he critique you honestly?


A.. Oh yes, too honestly! Sometimes I’m afraid to let him read my works. He is a brutally honest person in his daily life too, so to have his approval on each story feels like victory every time anew. Of course it never comes without me correcting many things before I have the eagerly awaited ‘ok, nice story’.

He is amazingly supportive in more than a simple beta-reading. He designed my site and he maintains it most attentively, and he always comes up with new ideas to make my web-presence stronger.

I’m very lucky to have a partner like him!   

Q.. Who are some of your favorite authors and specifically their work?

A.. My favorite classics are James Clavell and Colleen McCullough, with their wonderful historical fiction that I reread to the point of killing their paperbacks.  

My favorite Indies include Robert Hatting, Terry Taylor and Austin Briggs (as you can see, very mixed genres, as opposed to the solid historical fiction in classics J)

Q.. *^@&!*&!!! Did you just say Robert Hatting??  Wow!

Zoe’s website is a work of art thanks to her husband, Yuvall Saadia.

Saturday, June 22, 2013


This novel is free for the next 24 hours.  I’ve included the back-story again for those who didn’t catch it when it was posted on 5/29/13.



Driving in Panama

Dangerous is the one word description for driving in Panama.  Although the roads are decent for the most part as compared to Costa Rica, they are substandard when compared to those of North America.  The rules are different as well.  I believe one of the most foolish decisions a person can make is to fly to Panama City, rent a car at the Tocumen airport, and set out for Boquete in Chiriquí province 450 Km away.  The idea -- so one can get a ‘‘feel for the land’. More than likely they will get ‘THE FEEL’ of a ticket or two, an accident, and perhaps a few weeks in a Panamanian jail if they hit someone.

Another danger is to you and your vehicle each time you fill your tank.  If it’s after hours, there’s better than average chance someone is watching the service station and will rob you and the attendant at the same time.  Thieves prey on gas stations because the cash is carried by the attendants. A gringo with a plump wallet is ripe for a ‘two fer’. 

The other danger at the pumps is bad fuel.  I recently went through a myriad of problems because my old car wouldn’t run on MUD.  What’s up with that?  German engineering can’t design a diesel engine that runs on mud (lodo)?  Three weeks, two mechanics, four total tank flushes, sixteen fuel filters, and I’m still not able to pull a grade because of the fouled fuel residing somewhere in my fuel system.

All in all, driving is crazy in Panama.  Most gringos have dash cameras to avoid being prosecuted for murder if they run over a small kid or get hit at night by a car with no headlights.  The gringo is always arrested and charged in a fatality; that’s JUST THE WAY IT IS!

So, my word of advice.  If you are visiting; hire a tour guide, a chauffeur, or take public transportation.  If you’re planning on living in Panama, take the precautions necessary to avoid getting killed in an accident or arrested for being involved in a collision.




In the late 1980’s I was on a long voyage into the South Pacific. I moored my boat for over three months in Guam to avoid being out in the open ocean during typhoon season. I had lived on Guam back in the early 1960’s and received most of my University education at the College of Guam.(back then it was an affiliate of Ohio State University)  I passed through the island several times transiting to and from Vietnam and the Philippines a few years later. 

When I arrived in the late 1980’s the sleepy little island I had experienced in 1960-1963 was no longer. It had been invaded by the Japanese. (again)  In twenty-five years, the Japanese had recaptured the island by purchasing the beach-front real estate and building high-rise hotels and resorts.

I was appalled at first and then humored after I looked more closely. The Guamanian culture had changed drastically. What was once a laid-back Polynesian lifestyle was only evident in some of the villages in the countryside and a long way away from the hub of Agana.  Many of the land owners had become millionaires.  Their huts near the beaches were selling at downtown New York prices. Everyone had jumped on the ‘tourist’ bandwagon.

The tourists were predictably humorous, too. Since Guam was the closest tropical “foreign island” to Japan, the younger generations flocked to the US possession by the thousands.  On any given week-day the tourist population from Japan usually numbered almost sixty thousand people.   The guys wanted to shoot guns, eat steak and partake of the ‘pay-as-you-go-lust’.   Massage parlors were located on every corner and in most strip malls near Tumon Bay.

The young Japanese women wanted to shop, spend time on the beaches, and sample the men; any men except the Japanese men.  It’s true.  I’ve never seen so many horny tourists in my entire life.

My eighteen year old son, who normally repelled women like a puddle of fresh puke, was able to get laid more than once.  Of course he fell love right off and whined like a puppy when his Japanese squeeze climbed on a plane and flew back to her boyfriend and job in Tokyo.  It took him a month to ‘get it’ and by then I was ready to continue our voyage. Mother Nature interrupted my plans; the late arrival of a typhoon that came close to our route south; so I waited another 30 days to get shed of Guam. 

I finished the outline and began the novel, THE LAST FRUIT STAND ON GUAM, while waiting for my son to play out his string with the Japanese chicks. As it turned out this sexual anomaly was the only opportunity my boy had at ‘swinging’. He returned to the ‘puddle of puke’.

When I’d lived on the island in the early 60’s, I survived one of the island’s worst typhoons in history.  In the fall of 1962, typhoon Karen devastated the island.  There was considerable loss of life, the entire infrastructure was down for months, and many people went crazy. 

One had to be ‘off’ a bit just to survive the small island’s quirks.  Sane people were soon sent over the bank.  Being confined to a piece of dirt only thirty miles long and six miles wide at the widest part made for interesting character adjustments.

I have to admit when I first arrived on Guam, I was spooked with the knowing I was trapped on a small island.  I borrowed my dad’s car and circumvented the island.  I made one lap in less time than it took me to pass security at the Naval base. It gave me the heebe jeebies. I didn’t go ding-bat crazy but the knowledge of how small the land mass was -- gave me pause and certain claustrophobic tendencies.  I immediately enrolled in the University, got involved in scuba diving and created a salvage business.  Those activities plus the exotic women – diversions – probably kept me somewhat sane.

The people I witnessed coming to the island in the late 1980’s were suffering the same malady or worse; instant insanity.  This mental condition, referred to as Island Fever, is prevalent in many Hawaiian communities as well.  On Guam, however it reaches an acute stage when it’s coupled with a natural disaster; like a typhoon or a tsunami.  I know I experienced it! (Sustaining winds of 180 knots with gusts to 250 knots) I witnessed firsthand how some people react when faced with danger of imminent death. I didn’t like what I saw for the most part.  People I had held in high esteem acted cowardly and petty when the danger was near.  Other’’s who didn’t seem the type, rose to the challenges at hand and ‘glared back at the face of death’.  I was fortunate to be included in the second category.  
I started outlining and writing THE LAST FRUIT STAND ON GUAM while on the island and during our journey.  I had to set it aside on and off and finally finished the first draft two years later while commercial fishing in Alaska. It’s a big book – 102,000 words; pared down from the original 160,000. It’s racy, bawdy, irreverent, and laced with dark humor.  A lot happens during the few weeks chronicled by the novel. I hope you enjoy THE LAST FRUIT STAND ON GUAM.   

Thursday, June 20, 2013


I have recently embarked on a promotional campaign that includes offering some of my novels FREE for a limited time.  I work with AMAZON and several contact blogs to reach a broader audience. One of the deciding factors for these specialty blog sites is a novel's reviews.  Bad reviews = no inclusion.  PERIOD! END OF STORY! 

I have a novel that was poorly edited before it was published. (ExPat) It has since gone through a major an editing-formatting process.  I didn’t realize it was so bad until my current editor went to work on the typos and misspellings. I believe the other proofreader and editor were so immersed in the story and forgot their mission. (Authors seldom see their mistakes; it’s almost impossible.  That’s why Editors and proofreaders have a job!).

Well, the end of this story is:  Some woman, (Mary from Colorado) issued a negative review of the novel and gave it 2 stars.  ExPat
I have read over 70 books on my Kindle and this is the first time I have encountered an extreme amount of punctuation errors/grammatical errors/misspelled words. The publisher forgot to hire a proof writer.

Published 10 months ago by mary from CO

It’s evident that this IGNORANT HIDE who posted this review just had to lash out at someone. (Her bad hair day has hurt me for almost a year and will continue to do so.) The PUBLISHER forgot to hire a PROOFWRITER? What’s a proofwriter?  Look at the time frame -- 10 months ago. This review still haunts me because I can’t control what gets posted through AMAZON.  There is no recourse and because of this, the novel doesn’t sell well.  It was even difficult to give away as because most of the ‘spread the word’ blogs won’t touch something with a 2. I’ve chatted with several authors who have had the same experience.  The bad marks don’t go away.  It’s like having a “D” on your report card when you were a freshman in High School.

As an author, I read a lot.  I go through three to five books a week.  If I like what I read, I post a positive review and give the author five stars.  If I don’t, I just quietly close the story and move on. I WOULD NEVER DOWNGRADE A NOVEL BECAUSE OF THE TYPOGRAPHICAL ERRORS or other proofreader problems. Also, I’m not going to write some Romance author and tell her that her hero, the six foot two inch bull rider, is about as rare as teeth on a chicken.  My observation is based on personal knowledge of the rodeo world; as a competitor. There are no tall bull riders. Sharing that in a review which can be read by EVERYONE IN THE WORLD would just be mean. The fact that her imaginary character is not accurate to the sport should not take away from the ROMANCE NOVEL. The odds of anyone familiar to the sport reading a romance novel are similar to those hen’s teeth I mentioned.     

If you’re an author – you’ve had these experiences.  If you’re a reader -- take note. IF YOU'RE MARY FROM COLORADO – I'm sorry you're so stupid...really I am, dear.




5.0 out of 5 stars Loved this thriller!, June 1, 2013


This review is from: Murder In Panama (Kindle Edition)

Such a fast moving, action filled story!
It gripped me from the very beginning, caught me with delightful characters and their adventures. Hart and Coreen had my sympathy from the start, not losing it through the story, not even for a moment.

The exotic setting was a pleasure, making me want to visit Panama badly. This book is a must read for those who want to learn more about this country, while enjoying a good story. If you have a ticket for a plane heading to Central America, grab this book and read it while in the air. You will not regret it and the hours of the flight will pass quickly.

The premise of the book was very interesting, and I heard that it might have been based on real scientific conclusions.

All in all a highly recommended read!


Action Packed Contemporary Cowboy Adventure, June 13, 2013


Clara B. Ray (Oklahoma City, Oklahoma) - See all my reviews

This review is from: UNTAMED (Kindle Edition)

What a treat to read a contemporary western themed book-- that didn't lose any 'cowboy' flavor in a more urban setting! There were horses and cowboys, of course, but there were also political & romantic themes, car chases and modern day law enforcement. The characters, plot & scenes were all realistic & poignant. For those readers who love a western theme, I say this is a must read.

Help other customers find the most helpful reviews 


On the Highwire, May 28, 2013


Lee (London UK) - See all my reviews

This review is from: The Last Fruit Stand on Guam (Kindle Edition)

Literature is like a rope entwined with different shades of twine and it takes some skill to weave the genres into one solid length strong enough to carry the reader through more than 100,000 words. With elements of a disaster movie, a thriller, a character piece, some love scenes that walk the highwire between the erotic and outright bawdy, Robert Hatting in "Last Fruit Stand on Guam" tied me to the page and dragged me hurtling through his face-paced narrative.

I have never been to Guam, but if it is now on my TBV - to be visited list. He creates a cast of eccentric characters, puts them in dark situations and we gasp with amazement as they wriggle their way through them. Comedy scenes alone would not sustain the plot, but Hatting provides enough intrigues and cliff-hangers to keep you glued in what is finally a compelling and very entertaining read.

2 of 2 people found the following review helpful


5.0 out of 5 stars Crystal Cowboy, May 10, 2011


Amazon Verified Purchase(What's this?)

This review is from: Crystal Cowboy (Kindle Edition)

I enjoyed reading this book from cover to cover. It opened my eyes as to what really goes on behind the scenes of a rodeo. The author has a wonderful imaginative mind and keeps up the interest of the story throughout. I loved Crystal Cowboy and look forward to reading all of his books.

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful



Equal parts action adventure, romance and intrigue!, December 23, 2011


Amazon Verified Purchase(What's this?)

This review is from: ExPat (Kindle Edition)

I'm not quite sure how to categorize ExPat by Robert Hatting. It starts off with a bang, that's for sure, and the first part of the story takes place in and around Arizona, so I thought...a modern day western. Then Hatting changed it up and tossed in some good romantic moments. Then it was on to the noir-ish bits; shady guys with odd names, travel to lush locations in Mexico, kidnapping, mistaken identity, lovely ladies, theft and murder, not necessarily in that order. Shades of Dashiell Hammett. (If you've read any of my other reviews I seem to have a penchant for comparing writers. Hope this doesn't get under anyone's skin).

So what does this all mean exactly? I liked ExPat. Equal parts action adventure, romance, and intrigue with a neat, twisty plot. Now if that doesn't get your interest piqued...I fear there is no hope for you as a reader. 5 stars.



5.0 out of 5 stars Electrically Charged Adventure, June 19, 2013


Lee (London UK) - See all my reviews

This review is from: TRES PIEDRAS (Kindle Edition)

On this is my second dip into the Hatting oeuvre, I was both surprised and suddenly pleased that with his gift for keeping readers on the edge of their seat with lashings of adrenaline-filled adventure, he weaves into "Tres Piedras" an electric coil of love that is both emotionally-charged and very real.

Willis thrives on danger and meets the yin to his yang in the sparkling femme fatale Cecilia, who rides the big waves with him on a fishing boat out of Oregon heading south to the narcotic-trafficking, trigger-happy cop infested waters of Panama. They get into scrapes as fast as they get out of them, but that just fuels the bed action, deliciously described and with the same sense of danger running through the journey.

With his eye for eccentric characters and neat plot twists, you get a feeling as you turn the pages that execs in their Hollywood glass offices will be making a phone call when the book crosses their desk. With news in the air that a new canal may be built in Panama, and a rival waterway through the pristine jungles of Nicaragua, this is an opportune time to take readers on a journey into the Caribbean.


5.0 out of 5 stars Romance, action, exotic setting - it's all there!, June 16, 2013
