Monday, October 29, 2012


Perhaps the merger/buyout of Continental Airlines by United Airlines was good for the mahogany row executives and the Wall Street traders but the people who are flying the friendly skies aren’t happy travelers.  I witnessed my own strife recently along with hundreds of others who wandered the concourses of Houston International Airport.  By the way George Bush, you should have your name removed…most people who use that facility call it Cluster F--k!  We were evident because our pockets were stuffed with hotel and meal vouchers – those pesky Hollerith cards that buy 2/3 of a meal or ¾ of a hotel room.
Missed connections are not always weather related, folks.  Currently it’s untrained and uninformed flight schedulers that are causing the problem.  Houston is foreign to land to the UAL executives.  For instance, my flight originated in Tucson, AZ.  It was originally scheduled to leave a few minutes after 9.  That would have given me an hour to reach the international gate to make my 3:09pm flight to Panama.  Nope, those schedulers told the folks at Bum F--k, Arizona, to reschedule that flight to leave at 10:45…arriving in Houston at 3:00pm.  “9 minutes to get from terminal B to terminal E?” I asked in my controlled astonishment.  “Superman couldn’t do that!”
A couple of bright spots along the way were Trish and Terri in the United Club that were actually happy to help me.  A couple of other’s; Rashad and Peggy down on the floor of the terminal need to re-evaluate their lives; their parentage is in question and they suffer from cranial rectilitis!
Now, to the positive side of that trip.  I REALLY APPRECIAT LIVING IN PANAMA.  I’m home and ready to go to work.   Regardless of how the election turns out in EEUU, many disgruntled citizens are headed this way; seeking buying power for the weakening US dollar.
   ISTMUST TRADER is being revived this next week and we’re kicking it in gear.  My attorney is doing the paperwork to convert my pensionado carnet to a full residency cedula.  I’m setting down roots here in Chiriqui, Panama and have no desire to return to the US.  Family and friends in the US: here’s a news flash.  The airlines and ships run both ways!!!
I just met with 32 self-made billionaires from all over the world that are looking to buy businesses in Panama and shift their assets from the US to offshore. We’re not speaking of the local tienda or restaurant.  They want banks, casinos, internet and cable companies, cell phone companies, dairies, and producing farms and plantations.  I suspect they smell opportunity here in Panama!
My 10th novel, UNTAMED, is currently being formatted and will be released this week.  Number 11 novel, HART RULES! is just starting the proofreading/editing process.  I hope to have it out before Thanksgiving.

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