That period
of time between the final rewrite of a novel and the last changes after editing
is a very calm time; like sending your kid to a babysitter. Most writers take a break or begin scheduling
promotions; writing letters to publishers or agents. Indie authors, like me don’t mess with that
process. We know we will be published
somewhere in e-book format. There are no negotiations of royalties; it’s laid
out by the various e-book retailers. An indie writer can choose one or all retailers.
Currently I have my work for sale on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and Smashwords.
(only 3 titles).
I’m about to launch all
my work( 9 novels & 6 screenplays) with e-PrintedBooks. This new store is currently being developed
and it pays directly to the author when a sale is made. The split is 80/20 in favor of the
author. Being paid upon the sale is a
HUGE advance in the retailing of e-books.
Right now we are waiting for some last minute programming and testing processes. Mid-June
is the scheduled launch date. This is another CALM BEFORE THE STORM. There are 700,000 plus indie authors. I'm confident that over time most
of them will add their inventory to the e-PrintedBooks retail store. It costs
them nothing and one would hope every author would help promote the site to
their readers. A win/win/win. Those readers
that don’t have a credit or debit cards can buy books via PayPal.
I’m excited
for Steve at ePrintedBooks. Check out
his site.