Wednesday, November 30, 2011

KINDLE – don’t leave home without it!

While planning for 2012 I began consolidating my personal papers and noticed the pages remaining in my personal planner. I was about to order another when I discovered a Daily planner available for my Kindle. I downloaded it along with a Daily Journal and Notepad.

I already use my Kindle for back-up internet using the G3; as an MP3 player as well as keeping all the user manuals for my computers, recipes, appliances, and other personal documents. Of course, I carry all seventeen books currently for sale on Amazon and B&N.

My Kindle memory stores over two hundred books from other authors as well as several samples from authors I’m intending to purchase. My archives include four hundred plus and counting.

With these three additional applications the Kindle becomes even more important in my life. I’ll be able to post short blurbs on Twitter and Face Book. Shoot, I may even write a novel using the Daily Journal. AIN’T TECHNOLOGY SWELL? AMAZON OR BARNES AND NOBLE.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Do you have a witness to your life?

As most of my loyal readers know, I usually write from experience. The impressions I have for known events or processes keep my stories grounded in reality.

Recently I have been researching an idea for my book, REVOLUTION OF FOOLS. (the sequel to MURDER IN PANAMA) Without giving away the plot, I’m investigating a plausible method to bring large forces of Colombian and Venezuelan rebels into Panama– legally. I checked with local immigration and began to understand the processes. Coming to Panama from South America isn’t that easy. However, obtaining a visa to visit Panama is less arduous and faster if one gets a sponsor that resides in Panama. I considered the variety of ways for a rebel to obtain a sponsor. I slept on the dilemma and then it dawned on me…

There are thousands of innocent co-conspirators waiting with baited breath in on-line dating services. How do I know this? I joined one in order to understand the process.

WOW! What an awakening…thousands of lonely Panamanian women seeking the man of their dreams; from all ages – 21 to 75. So, I found the plausible method. Some handsome dude from Colombia or Venezuela answers an ad … throws some romantic sonnets her way and presto he has a sponsor for a tourist visa.

Well, now I know. Just like my recent heart attack, this is a first for me; an on-line dating service. The entire world can get a shot at getting into my heart, knickers or wallet. (At least for another week)

All kidding aside, it’s sad there are so many lonely folks out there. It just proves what my father related to me years ago when I asked him why he married.

“Son, everyone wants and needs a witness to their lives.”

Saturday, November 12, 2011


My last post announced the re-pricing of all my novels and screenplays to $.99 each.  I was expecting a larger volume to make up for the normal loss of revenue.  It's not working tus far.  Please spread the word, folks,  I'll stand by my deal until January 1, 2012 but then the prices go back up...not drastically but enough to create a bottom line for the tykes at Nutre Hogar.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011


Until December 31, 1011, all e-books and screenplays by Robert Hatting are on sale for 99 cents each. Choose from a wide range of genre’s (17 titles) including my most current novel, MURDER IN PANAMA and my bestselling novel, ALASKA BE DAMNED. These are available at Amazon’s Kindle store and Barnes and Noble’s Pubit store. One can download these e-books to almost all electronic devices; all of the Kindle readers, all the Nook readers as well as tablets, Blackberry units and most PDA units. Don’t forget, you can also download them to any computer.

E-books make an excellent gift; easy to purchase and send electronically. Consider birthdays and of course the rapidly approaching holidays.